TIPS TO BE HAPPY - 幸せになるための秘訣
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an e-mail from a friend - re-posted.
![]() | And Smile At Least Once A Day! |
an epic of a man named Michael, and his journey returning home.
![]() | And Smile At Least Once A Day! |
alrite, so how are u guys?
first, my internship's over, and also my 2-month summer vacation! what a short vacation! ;p
インターンはまぁまぁ大丈夫かな?新たなことや日本のビジネスマナーを勉強してたしね。一番大切な学んだことといえば、日系企業の文化だと思う。朝礼って何なのか、先輩に対する態度はどう取るのかなどは、技術的なことよりもいっぱい学んでた。とりあえず楽しかったよ!ちょっと変った仲間も出逢えたし(笑)でも、夏なのに毎日スーツを着るのはそれほど面白くはありません! (^^;)
internship was okay, filled with a lot of new stuffs and also some japanese business manner. i think the most important stuff i learnt was about the culture of japanese company. i got to know what morning assembly is, how to address to ur seniors correctly, etc - rather than just technical stuffs. but i can only say it was fun and got to meet a lot of weirdos - don't ask - lol. but wearing a suit everyday during summer was NOT something fun at all! (^^;)
next week: the start of the new semester. new classes. new blog design (well, since last week that is). it's also the beginning of autumn - a season with beautiful red leaves and cold threat - pardon the paradox. i have to be a bit more careful but i feel it's just going to be awesome!
things i've never seen or heard before are just in front of me. so exciting! can't wait to see what God has for me this time! borrowing words from a youth pastor, "THE FUTURE IS SO BRIGHT I HAVE TO WEAR MY SUNGLASSES".
地球上のすべての学生と同じく、この夏休みが終わってほしくないと想うんだけど、YUIの「Love & Truth」から引用して:
just like every other student on earth, i do feel i'm going to miss summer vacation, but quoting from YUI's "Love & Truth":
the time i've been thinking so much just won't stop ...
so yeah, God, help me also in this semester! :)
PS. it will take some time until the pics load.
so i went to TGS 2007 with J&E, C's "Sora", and H!
my first reaction was, "waaaaaaahhhh!" \(^^ )/\( ^^)/
初めての感想は、「ぎゃあああああ!」って \(^^ )/\( ^^)/
click HERE to see bigger pics.
click HERE for the video inside the TGS 2007.
now this is me playing Dragon Ball Z ... i beat Nappa!
now these are the main exhibits that attracted my attention.
click HERE to see bigger pics.
Naruto and Bleach games, also some classics like Resident Evil (Bio Hazard), Time Crisis, Silent Hill Zero, Metal Gear Solid, Devil May Cry, and so much more! new titles are awesome too! i need to note that Wii games are fun, but in this TGS, the PS3 graphics attracted much more people than ever! but hey, Sonic and Spidey 3 got really really fast that i can't see their moves (^^;)
okay, time for the main story: Square-Enix. Final Fantasy XIII (FF XIII) is out - and we're not allowed to take a pic! the graphics was fascinating! now J is also a FF - or should I add FF VII freak like me, so we kinda had the same excitement and were so amazed seeing how many people cosplaying Aeris. well, i guess it's because the release of FF VII : Crisis Core? Square-Enix really did it all-out, showing all the other FF VII series and the goods. not to mention this yellow Chocobo! so awesome^^
じゃ、メインに入ります:スクェア・エニックスでございます。ファイナル・ファンタジーXIII(FF XIII)は展示されたのに、写真は禁止なんて!ちなみに、自分と同じく、JもFFオタクっていうか、特にFF VIIオタクなので、興奮せざるを得なかったんだね。それに、エアリスをコスプレする人は多すぎ!たぶん、FF VII : Crisis Coreが新発売されたからかな?スクェア・エニックスは本当に全力を尽くすほど、FF VIIシリーズやグッズ、そして言うまでもなくこの黄色いチョコボをも全部展示してくれたんだ。素晴セー^^
click HERE to see bigger pics.
and these are what i got today: FF Tactics A2 Memo Pad and other goods! the memo pad is so cooooollll, so i'll use it for journalling next year^^ and other goods include limited promotion DVD, postcards, straps, etc. so nice! o(^^)o
今日の収穫はこれです:FF Tactics A2メモ帳と他のグッズでーす!このメモ帳はめちゃくちゃカッコいいから、来年のジャーナルのために使おうと思って^^グッズは限定版プロもションDVDやハガキ、ストラップなどです。嬉しい!o(^^)o
so yeah, what an awesome day! looking forward for next year's TGS!
last week a guest speaker Ps. Joel came to our church. the message was really awesome that i decided to write the whole thing down!
the title is as above: "God's Dream For You".
also, you can watch or hear it here:
God’s Dream for You (Ps Joel Holm) - VIDEO
God’s Dream for You (Ps Joel Holm) - AUDIO
Exodus 3:1-5
"... There the angel of the LORD appeared to him in flames of fire from within a bush. Moses saw that though the bush was on fire it did not burn up. ... When the LORD saw that he had gone over to look, God called to him from within the bush, "Moses! Moses! ... Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy ground."
Moses was called by God by the burning bush - which didn't seem like the best time and place for God's calling. in fact, in our life the right place and the right time seems like the wrong place and the wrong time. "My ways are not your ways," He said. when we are in the "burning bush"-like situations, i.e. place and time that don't seem "right" and filled with problems, have expectation that God will use us beyond our wildest imaginations!
when we face the burning bush, do we pray safe prayers, e.g. "God, please remove my problems" or "God, please give me another job" or "God, please get that person out of my life"? do we often see the issues and pray for problem reductions instead of seeing the burning bush and pray for possibility extensions? do we pray for an easy way out when we should have pray for strength to carry on?
we need to stop praying safe prayers, and look again at the burning bush and find the divine opportunity!
when God called Moses, he was afraid to fail. he feared that people would look him as a foolish person. but you see, FAITH is the willingness to look foolish. Jesus tells us in the Bible that we need to be like the following two: Him, and like a little child. why? because a little child are willing to look foolish, and thus has limitless possibilities! when we become Christ-conscious, we will care about what God thinks of us, not what people think of us - so we won't care whether we look foolish or not.
back to the story, the interesting part is. in contrary to Moses who gave God a list of reasons why he couldn't, God didn't give Moses any encouragements like "Moses, you're well-educated enough" or "Moses, you're strong and courageous" - not a single word! however, God did say "I will be with you." when God is with us, His perfect love will flow, and ...
1 John 4:18 PERFECT LOVE drives out all fear.
1ジョン4:18 神様の完全な愛は、そんな恐れを、すべて取り除きます。
no matter how fear we feel, no matter how foolish we may look like, God still loves us, and that alone is enough.
so where do we have to begin? start from a single step of faith. God is building our resume for greater things from small things such as one act of faith! David had hoped that lion and bear wouldn't attack his flock, but when he faced Goliath he knew why God sent the animals beforehand!
i'll end it with one verse:
Col. 4:5 "... make the most of every opportunity."
for the 4:30 service where he preached about "Do You Want To Get Well?", you can check these awesome blogs:
Izumi's Blog いずみのブログ (BILINGUAL)
Mimo's Blog みものブログ (JAPANESE ONLY)
or just check for more info!