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CONNECTED to the cyber world!
it has been a week of happenings.
i'm doing great - new home, new workplace, new colleagues. i started my job on April 1st, and am now fighting to finish my three-weeks training. (and to be honest, i don't think i will finish the training within three weeks!) i'm not going to say it's easy, but i am really excited about this!!! thank God for this awesome job!
this is a picture my father took when he was here in Tokyo, and it kinda shows what i have been doing for the last few days, and probably for the next few years.
the biggest difference between a student and a working person is that i really have NO TIME. since last week i haven't even had my own time due to obviously training, and ... parties? ;) i don't even have time to shop and to cook! but i have to say that i'm living life to its fullest!
社会人と大学生の最大な違いといえば、時間がない!先週から自分の時間がとれないんですよ。研修というのもあるし、そして・・・パーティー?w てか、買い物して料理をする時間さえがないなんて!ただ、ひとつ言えることは、私は本当に充実した毎日を送っていまーす!
... okay, better get some sleep.
stay tune for some more news ...
uh, probably after i finish my training (^^;)