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about my summer break, again!
went to Yoyogi park with some friends from Sophia and some gaijins to play hide-and-seek, the Sweden way! well, the only problem is the park was TOO BIG, and the one's hiding is an ex-ranger. so yeah, almost no one could found that guy (--;)
... and what was i doing again?! - lol.
went to Shibuya to eat at Outback, and while waiting for empty seats, we saw Regular (Japanese comedians) performing!^^ interesting.
その後、渋谷のアウトバックで食べに行ったが、何と、隣のスタジオでレギュラーが漫才やってた!!!^^ 面白い・・・かなw
went to help HIDE-kun's moving out from Chiba to HigashiKurume at the morning.
went to a friend's house for a thank you party.
we had hand-rolled sushi and some other delicious stuff!
went to the river to play fireworks^^ really fun!
そして、花火をやるために近くの川辺に行った^^ 超楽しかった!
... and yes, i did miss my last train (again). thanks to KIMI-chan for letting me stay over.
went to CHURCH - the most awesome place on earth! this was a design of the table in the lobby made by Creative Team (ex-Decoration Team).
if you can come on sunday morning and you think you can add a designer's touch to the surroundings, well, feel free to join^^
went to Roppongi for a part-time job interview. plz pray for it! after that went to Yoyogi for SAYULEE's live concert with some friends. she has a strong yet gentle voice, and she's awesome with her loop station^^ you should come and see her performs!
バイト面接のために六本木に行った。みんな祈ってね!その後はSAYULEEのライブを見に代々木で友達と合流し行った。声も強く、優しくていいし、ループステーションを用いた彼女の演奏も超すごいよ^^ 是非みんなも来て聞いて見てね!
click HERE to go to her site. you can hear some samples of her songs there!
... looks like i'm having lots of fun this summer break - and well, i am! it's good to have fun^^
Ecclesiastes 8:15
So I recommend HAVING FUN, because there is nothing better for people in this world than to EAT, DRINK, and ENJOY LIFE. That way they will experience some happiness [ in other translation, JOY ] along with all the hard work God gives them under the sun.
so guys, are you having fun and enjoying the life God's given you?
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