- ..
last week i had LOTS of PEOPLE celebrating my birthday!

i just want to say thank you so much for all the treats, for all the parties, for all the mails, for all the comments and wall posts, for all the presents, and for being there for me! i might haven't said this to you directly, but i just want to say, i'm grateful for each one of you!
thank you so much for all that you have done for me!
and i do mean it: THANK YOU SO MUCH !!!

some of my presents - they're just so cool! thanks heaps!
thank you so much for being my friends. it's because of you guys i can call japan as my second home. YOU MAKE MY LIFE WORTH LIVING. i really thank God every time i think of you. as the saying goes,

"It takes hands to build a house,
but only hearts can build a home."
... and speaking of housing,
thanks for praying about my new apartment ^^

some of you reading this haven't known yet, but i'll be starting my job in a financial company in tokyo from april 1st. my old apartment is a bit far and the traffic is lacking, so i'm moving somewhere near my company. i mean, really near - LOL.
btw i love my new neighbourhood (^-^)v
so to be honest, my room is such a mess right now, and i don't even know where to start. it's never been easy to leave a place full of memories. but you know, there are so much more memories to make in the future. that's why ... i have to start packing - LOL.
so much things to do, yet so little time.

let me close with a poem from Henry Van Dyke:
"Every house where love abides
And friendship is a guest,
Is surely home, and home sweet home
For there the heart can rest."
PS. パーティーの企画者、そして写真をとったみんな、特別に感謝してまーす^^
i can't express how thankful i am for your presence in my life.
well.. it's like I said!