WARNING: ALL VIDEOS are in JAPANESE, without subtitle nor dubbing.

on the last Sat we had a party in Jeremie's house (again).

before wii (read: we) went there, first wii went to Tokyo Uni's Komaba Canteen for lunch, but me and some people were late for 30 mins; probably because i had to wait for the hot tea to cool down in JLH office. sorry for that. well not everything went well as i have planned.

now for the start, of course the DJ style!

"DJ start pose" ジェレミーのポーズシーン
"the gathering" 集まりシーン

"three girls" 3人の少女シーン


now one of us (or two? :p) came from Kansai which is famous with takoyaki party. takoyaki is octopus fritters according to my dictionary, and i left it with u to figure out what it is. anyway wii did this takoyaki party! now while some of us were preparing the stuffs, me, Katsu, and Jeremie were trapped in PS3. different from Wii, u don't feel tired when u play with it, and it has outstanding graphics. awesome!

these are pictures taken when Jeremie showed how PS3 involved in protein structure' counting. anyone understand?

msg to Jeremie: i'm not really good with cars, but i'll beat u for sure. someday.
msg to Katsu: thanks for always waiting for me. i'll watch ur back next time.

these are the videos of us making takoyaki.

"you're putting in too much" 入れすぎシーン
"it is finished" 完成させるシーン
"let me try" 試してみるシーン
"let's take a picture" 写真撮るシーン

well here are the pictures.

click HERE for bigger pictures.

then wii moved to the living room, and started the party! wii did the toast using vegetable juices! - lol. hey i drank 5 cans, okay?!

"itadakimasu" 食べましょいシーン
"delicious" 感想:おいしい!シーン

and when Jeremie's not looking:

"so what's the theme" テーマは何かシーン
"what do you think of Jeremie" ジェレミーに対する想いシーン

next wii also played Wii. this is fun! wii tried tennis, the bunny something, and the cooking one. well, for Erichan and Yuki, now you know who's better in cooking eh? - lol.

"first time Wii" 初めてのWiiシーン
"how to play Wii" Wiiの遊び方シーン(←本当にいいビデオ!)
"Masa's breaking news" まさの暴言シーン
"play Wii while sitting" 座りながらもWiiが遊べるシーン

some of us had to leave earlier - and missed Jeremie's spaghetti and Erichan's fried chicken! what a nice couple wii have here! ^^
何人かが先に帰らなきゃいけないが、残念なことに、この人たちはジェレミーが作ったうまいパスタとえりちゃんの唐揚げを逃してたあ~!本当にいいカップルだね ^^

"fried chicken" 唐揚げシーン

these are the remaining party's pictures.

click HERE for bigger pictures.

so yeah that's for now. if there are broken links or videos you don't really want anyone else to see, just tell me. i had a really good time! wait for the next video from me.