INTERNSHIP - インターンシップ

first, for people who are praying for me, for people who sent me mails, for people who said encouraging words like "fight" and "you can do it", THANKS A LOT. i really appreciate your encouragements.

WHY exchange my summer vacation for internship? the reason is i want to know more about japan's companies. if i am to work in japan, then this would be my first step. three other reasons: time-killer, money, and school credits - lol. hey, i don't have any other plans for summer okay? (><;)
なぜ夏休みにインターンを?理由は日本の企業がもっと知りたいのです。日本で働きたいなら、これが第一歩だと思って。他の理由は、暇つぶし・お金・単位(笑)だって、夏休みは何の予定もないんだもん (><;)

this internship hunting was really a hard time for me! in the mid of my exams, i still had to spare some time to write the Entry Sheet (ES), to take the SPI exams, and to give a couple of group interviews. but i couldn't pass them and that really upset me. checking ur inbox everyday for mails that will never come is really painful. really, to feel down about it in the exam period was a suicide. and the exams were really difficult too! it's really, really painful when you pray, hope and fight for something but you don't get what you want. i really felt my japanese was useless, and while i'm standing in front on this wall, i really wanted to cry.
ほんとに、インターン探しってつらかったよ!死験期間なのに、がんばって時間を割いてエントリーシート(ES)を書いたり、筆記死験や適性死験を受けに行ったり、グループ面接に行ったりして。なのに、合格通知が来なくて超悔しかった。毎日来るはずのないメールが入ってるかどうかをチェックするだけじゃ、つらかった。このせいで、死験中はほんとに死にそうほどちょー凹んだ。死験も想像をはるかに超えたほどむずかったし。お祈りして、希望を持ってがんばってやったのに、結果が出ないと、ほんとにほんとに痛~い。自分の日本語が無能だと感じて 、この通れない壁の前でマジで泣きたいぐらいです。

and then, this verse came up.
Jeremiah 29:11 - "For I know the plans I have for you," says the LORD. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope."
エレミヤ29:11 「わたしは、おまえたちのために立てた計画をよく知っている。それは災いではなく祝福を与える計画で、ばら色の将来と希望を約束する。」

"future". yeah, "future". the thing that i've been looking for. and that there is a God who gives that to me. i always repeat this verse everytime i went to the interviews.
将来」って。そう、「ばら色の将来」って。自分が実に求めているもの。 そして、それを与えてくれた神様がいるということ。この御言葉が毎回の面接の時にいつも自分の心の中で繰り返されています。

and the results: after many rejections, i got one intern for sept! so, with this half of my summer vacation is gone! hm, i don't know whether i should cry or laugh because of this, but i know i should thank God. it seems that, i still have much to learn about communication and interview.
いよいよ、結果発表。何社にも却下された後、やっと1社の9月のインターンに合格!なので、夏休みは半分ぐらい減った~!ぎゃー泣くところか、笑うところか、よう分からん。とりあえず、神様に感謝するところです。 うーん、どうやらコミュニケーション面接についてまだまだ色々と学ばなきゃいけないみたいだね。

HOWEVER, i failed all the internships for august, and didn't have any backup plans. so if u're free, do plz contact me (^o^)/

Jeremie & Eri - ジェレミーとえり

well, the good news is, they got married on July 14th, 2007! congratulations ^^ i know i'm a lil bit late but hey, exams!
はいはい、ご存知ではありますが、2007年7月14日におふたりは結婚しました。おめでとう^^ ちょっと遅いけど、ずっと死験だってば・・

they're my best friends here so i'm going to dedicate this post for them. about the love story, just ask them directly!

just take a look at these videos - especially for u who skipped the party! i got in a lil bit late so didn't got a good spot for shooting the video, but i hope u can enjoy them.
この動画たちを見てくださいね、特に結婚式を見逃したあなたがた!必見!!! 自分が入場したのはちょっと遅かったので、撮影するのにあんまり良い場所に立ってなかったが、それでもみんなさん、お楽しみください。

Exchanging Rings 結婚指輪交換
so let's start from exchanging the rings!

Wedding Cake 結婚ケーキ
and the cake! look at the expression of their faces ^^

The Letter お手紙
next, a surprise love letter from Jeremie to Eri! a heart-touching letter!!!

Jeremie's Speech ジェレミーのスピーチ
and he talked. そして男子は語った。

Eri's Speech えりのスピーチ
and she talked. そして女子は語った。

Walk Out 退場
last, they left the stage.

and that's the beginning of their awesome marriage life ^^ have fun, you two! and congratulations one more time. Lord God, let their love last throughout all time.
これがお二人の素晴らしい結婚生活の始まりだ^^ 十分に楽しんでね、おふたり!もう一度、おめでとう!神様、どうかおふたりのが永遠に続きますように。

EXAMS - 試験


time: 2007, July 10th (Tue) ~ 25th (Wed)

so i'm off the net. need to concentrate on my studies.

can't wait for the 2 months summer vacation!

PS. this month's keywords: "Transformers" and "iPhone".