so lots of things happened between this post and my last post.

... and i don't know how to recap - LOL.

anyway, i just want to post a blog before this month is over.

i am currently *LOCKED* at my research lab with my graduation thesis on the way. i am currently "translating" my sensei's programming code from PYTHON to RUBY - two programming language i have never even used before. one word for that: TIME-CONSUMING. but RUBY is quite a simple yet powerful - 感動したというか、未だに感動しています^^

my study for qualification exam is not doing really well to be honest, since i'm on the verge of burnout and couldn't really focus recently. まぁ、文句言う場合じゃないだろうけど、簡単な部分はさっと終わらせて今は本番に入るって感じなので、マジきつい。先週風邪ひいてから少しペースを落としているが、試験があと3週間!!!

i had one of the looooooongest week in my life where i have to WAIT. and no, it's not anywhere near what you are thinking - LOL. 待つことってこんなにもつらいなんてさ、就職活動以来だ。5 days felt like years - seriously! so much things i couldn't share - but i decided to mention it as a reminder for the future.

when you have to wait,
sometimes, it's not about you -
no matter what you do or what you say,
there are things you can't change and things you can't control.

but tough times like this test people,

thank you for the weekend drama.


i only need to review around 900 pages - but even that is not easy. with the exam in three weeks from now, Armageddon is (kinda) near (苦笑)

i'll close with Bible verses shared today at Kingdom Builders:

Philippians 4:6-7
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the PEACE OF GOD, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.