recently i'm really busy with my classes that i don't have time to write my blogs. but today is a day off, so i'll write something!

first, a bit late but HAPPY EASTER to everyone!
まず、ちょっと遅いけど、HAPPY EASTER to everyone!

last Sunday's service was awesome! thank you for all the Welcomers who helped out last week. drama team, good job guys! and for the music team and sound team, great recording service! can't wait for the CD to come out!

PS. from now on, let's stop talking about my hairstyle okay? - lol.

today's topic is about April 12th.

April 12th, 1967
my uni was founded. today is the 130th anniversary of the founding of the school; thus a day off o(^-^)o

April 12th, 1988
my bro was born! so yeah, today's my bro's bday! what a coincidence!

April 12th, 2005
since it is the anniversary of the founding of the school, at this date every year we hold a uni entrance ceremony. this was the date of my entrance ceremony. it was at this date, i become a uni student.

April 12th, 2007
today, well, NOW, in a beach in Bali - my home island, my friends - T, a Japanese and M, an Aussie are getting married. the ceremony starts at 4:30 pm Bali time, so it's around 5:30 pm Japan time - right now as i am typing this blog. they are going to say the wedding vows in a really beautiful beach - isn't it nice?
現在、ていうか、只今、実家のバリ島のビーチで、友達の、日本人のT&オーストラリア人のMが結婚しています!ちょうどバリ島の時刻で午後4時30分か ら始まるので、日本の時刻だと、午後7時30分です。この日記を書いているちょうど今。すっごくキレイなビーチで結婚の誓約をするなんて素敵だなあ。

btw, to attend the wedding, from yesterday my LG leader A&N stayed in my house. and today, at 6 am in the morning, they went to see the sunrise in one of the beach in Bali. so it's kinda like travelling before u go to the wedding. (aren't they feel sleepy?!)

and today, my sis is having an employment examination. everyone, plz pray. well after the exam's over she's going to the wedding.

i wanna go home. i wanna go home and attend the wedding.

but, if i go home now, what about school tomorrow?