for those of u who don't know, i spend every sunday in JLH International Church. we have the morning, afternoon, and evening services. today's blog is about what happened in the last sunday. so much fun^^


felt so good looking at 600 welcome packs! thanks for all those who helped preparing them! and we're getting faster at the set-up - which is GOOD!

and, first time translating announcements from JP to EN^^ not really that nervous, but didn't concentrated well enough (^^;) the most difficult thing about translating is the timing: before or after the clapping. when i translate in the welcome team, the clapping doesn't really disturb translation that's why.

the message was awesome^^ in every situation, give thanks to God. it doesn't mean that we're giving thanks FOR the bad situation, but it means that we give thanks to God IN any situation. i think the message will be uploaded on tuesday in here. check it out for urself!


色々事情でいつもサボっているフォローアップチームミーティングに初めて参加。はーい、すみませんm(_ _)m 福島と北海道からのおみやげゲット!!!(笑)
first time attended the follow-up team meeting, which i usually skipped due to various reasons. sorry bout that m(_ _)m and, got cakes from Fukushima and Hokkaido!!! - LOL.

and, had lunch in Sukiya while doing resource team meeting - the fastest one we've ever had. i thought said all things i wanted to say, and i hope that's enough.


did a little bit of name tag, and when the message started, that person suddenly said, "wanna play soccer?" to which i answered, "huh? NOW?!" somehow the Teens Church lacked one person for soccer. and i did play, losing the game by 8-15 (^^;) M and that other kid were really good! but it was fun^^ as i was sweating a lot when i got back, some people said to me, "today's really hot eh?" hehe, nope that's not the real reason ...

and, after the pack down's over, someone talked over about a problem i faced before, and i'm glad i could share a bit. felt relieved that the hardship i faced at that time could be someone else's encouragement. please see Jeremiah 29:11 for more info.

well that's the end of one sunday! next week is our church's 5th anniversary, so if u happen to be in Tokyo, please come over. see this site for more info. if u're somewhere around the globe, just visit the nearest church for more life in ur life!