NBAで自分の大好きなプレイヤーといえば、Kobe Bryantです^^
my fav player in NBA is no other than Kobe Bryant^^

his parents named him after the famous beef of Kobe, Japan, which they saw on a restaurant menu.

here is an interesting video about him which made such a fuss over the internet. in this video, he jumped over a moving Aston Martin car!!!

whaddya think? is this for real?

(well the answer is out already though.)

小さい頃から、彼の美しいプレイ、特に彼のTHREE-POINT SHOOTに憧れてましてですね。あんなにフィールドでマジックを起こしてポイントを奪ったなんて、すごすぎる!!!NBAでは、ひとゲームで81ポイントを入れたことで一番多くスコアを奪ったトップ2となったし、更に、ひとゲームでTHREE-POINTを12回も入れたという伝説をも作ったし!自分はバスケできないけど、この人はホンモノの天才だ^^
i like him since i was a child - his beautiful play, his THREE-POINT SHOOT. he has the magic in the field to create points - which is so cool!!! in NBA, with 81 points during a game, he became the second person with the most points in a game. in addition, he became a legend after scoring THREE-POINT twelve times in a game! i can do no basketball, but he's for real^^

quoting from his words:

Is there anything so different about my hand?
My hand isn't that different from yours.
All it takes is hardwork, and a lot of practice, and a lot of dedication.

Do you see what I see?