1. sunday was really amazing ne! we've got AUDACIOUS, a band from England as our guests, and it was truly awesome! the sermon was great: in fact, it was really funny - lol. i just kinda remembered the main line for the morning service:

"I serve the Man, and the Man has a plan for me."

for more details, please check HERE around friday!

2. our NUSHI's farewell party was cool too!

Thanks to Ayako, Jun, Kayo, 横浜のNatsumi, Izumi, Summer, Richard and all you people who came and partied with us, and super special thanks to Mami (←最強の陰の計画者w)
てかみんな来てくれてありがとう!^^ 面白いことしてくれた方々にもありがとう^^ あなたがたがいなければ、パーティーは計画にすぎないのであろう。

let's pray that our NUSHI will have the best life ever!

3. finally, Kat played on Music Fighter for the first time, so for those of you who couldn't watch it, i'll upload it temporarily. i got my permission - lol. she sang really beautifully ne! really nice^^ please buy the CD if u're interested!
大好きなKatが音楽戦士に初めて出たので、見れなかった人のために一時的にアップロードします。許可済みです(誰に?www) てか歌声はすごーくキレイだね!マジでオススメです^^見てから是非TSUTAYAでCDを買ってくださいね★

please check out her info HERE!

alrite, that's it guys. enjoy life this week too!