last week i shared a message in Wednesday Teaching Service, and it has finally been uploaded to the net.

please check HERE to watch the video or download to your iPods.

or, please click HERE if you want to see the script i used to preach the message - you can check it also from your mobile (well, it doesn't work on all mobile tough).

i hope that God bless you through it =)

oh and yeah, my friends are getting married!

yukihiro & mimo just announced at the church that THEY ARE OFFICIALY ENGAGED.

well my first reaction was, "knew that already ..." - lol. it was really hard to keep it a secret until today ne! they were waiting for Mimo's birthday before the engagement proposal so quite a wait! but yeah, it was really a blessing to know these two people, and i had lots of fun hanging out with both of them. they love God, and they are such an awesome couple^^
まぁ、最初の反応は。「もう知ってるー」www 昨日まで3ヶ月ぐらい(?)秘密にしておいたのが難しいね!おふたりは正式な婚約をミモの誕生日の時にしたかったので、結構待ってたんだよねw 本当に、おふたりを知るのは神様の祝福の一つだし、今までおふたりと過ごした時間はほんとに貴重な、楽しい時間ばかり。本当におふたりは神様を愛している、素晴らしいカップルだよ^^

so CONGRATULATIONS for your engagement,
and looking forward for your
marriage next year^^