for the problem, please click HERE.

first, these 14 people are the chosen ones, so we need to understand that these people have special roles in the team. also, people with the same roles are actually male and female about the same age.
まず、この14人は 選ばれた人たちなんだから、それぞれの人はそれぞれの役割を持っていることに気付かなければいけない。また、 同じ役割を持つ人が同年代の異性となっています。

alrite, let's put it in a table.

Youth (青春)13 junior high (中学生)9 elementary (小学生)
Life (文化)22 pianist (ピアノ)19 dancer (ダンサー)
Practical (実用)24 grad student (東大院生)25 chef (料理家)
Ordinary (一般人)29 sect follower (宗教家)28 teacher (教師)
Decision Maker (リーダー)34 business (経営学者)32 career (キャリア美人)
Scientist (科学)48 mathatician (数学者)36 physicist(物理学)
Health (健康)62 doctor (名医)41 nurse (看護婦)

remember that in the problem it's written that there were two rockets. so actually all of these people would have left the earth. that means there were two teams, each had someone with a different role. considering the proportion of male-female, we select from the table above, starting from the upper category: male - female - male - ... (or vice versa) and create the teams.

ROLE 役割TEAM A - チームA
TEAM B - チームB
Youth (青春)13 junior high (中学生)9 elementary (小学生)
Life (文化)19 dancer (ダンサー)22 pianist (ピアノ)
Practical (実用)24 grad student (東大院生)25 chef (料理家)
Ordinary (一般)28 teacher (教師)29 sect follower (宗教家)
Decision Maker (リーダー)34 business (経営学者)32 career (キャリア美人)
Scientist (科学)36 physicist(物理学)48 mathatician (数学者)
Health (健康)62 doctor (名医)41 nurse (看護婦)

this kind of way of choosing is called System Optimization - a basic principle of management. but most of my classmates couldn't agree with my teacher's answer - lol. well, you are free to comment ^^
このような選び方は、組織の最適化といい、経営の基本原理(らしい)です。 ・・・と、先生の答に誰も納得いけませんでしたぁ(--;) 正解の人はいませんか?www まぁ、なんて言ってもいいです。

PS: according to my teacher, this problem is also used in IBM in a different way: "Find the Leader". hm, who do u think is fit to be the leader?